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Empower Your Clients' Growth 

Join forces with Choco Up to deliver flexible, revenue-aligned financing solutions designed to fuel your client's growth.

Why partner with us?

  • Quick access to capital.
  • No equity dilution—clients retain 100% ownership.
  • Flexible repayment terms aligned with revenue fluctuations.
  • Tailored solutions for various industries.
  • Made for ambitious, growing brands.
Pan Pixels - Choco Up, 11 Jan 2024 - 22 Large

"Choco Up has gone beyond capital by offering support and resources that contribute to our continued growth."

Norman Teo
Founder of Bovem

How it works

Simple, fuss-free, Short-term financing. Read FAQ for more information.

1. Evaluate

Once all required documents are submitted, we assess your client’s revenue streams to determine eligibility.

2. Fund

Approved clients receive financing based on their current and projected revenue.

3. Repay

Clients can repay either as a fixed amount or as a percentage of revenue until fully repaid.

Who We Help

b2c business

B2C Business

We fund fast-growing e-commerce stores, retailers, and marketplace sellers to scale operations and expand reach.

b2b business

B2B Business

We empower wholesalers, agencies, and service providers to expand their capabilities and elevate their offerings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is revenue-based financing?

Revenue-based financing is a flexible funding solution where businesses receive capital in exchange for a percentage of their future revenue until the financing is fully repaid.

How does revenue-based financing benefit my clients?

It offers quick access to capital without requiring equity dilution or fixed monthly payments. Repayments are tied to revenue, so if your client’s revenue fluctuates, their repayment adjusts accordingly.

Who is eligible for revenue-based financing?

Businesses with consistent revenue streams are generally eligible. Our assessment focuses on current and projected revenue, not just credit scores.

How can I apply to offer this financing to my clients?

Click the "Sign Up" button, fill out our application form, and our team will review your information. Once approved, you’ll be onboarded and can start offering this financing to your clients.

What support do you offer to brokers?

We provide training, marketing materials, and a dedicated account manager to help you understand and promote revenue-based financing.

How quickly can my clients receive funding?

Once approved, clients can typically receive funds within 24 hours, enabling them to act quickly on growth opportunities.

What types of businesses benefit most from revenue-based financing?

This type of financing is ideal for businesses with predictable revenue streams, such as subscription services, SaaS companies, e-commerce businesses, and more.

What makes your revenue-based financing different?

We offer tailored solutions with competitive rates, quick approval processes, and flexible repayment terms that align with business growth.

What is the minimum or maximum that Choco Up can fund?

We can fund between USD 10k to USD 1M per depending on the client’s financial performance.

How long will the credit approval take?

For clients seeking USD 200k and below, the process generally takes about 1 week. Anything above will take up to 4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the application.

What currency can Choco Up fund in?

We can fund in SGD, USD, AUD, MYR or HKD.

Is collateral required from my client?

No collaterals will be required but we will request for key stakeholders within the business to provide personal guarantees for the funding.

Ready to offer choco up to Your Clients?

Join our network of brokers